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visualize collaboration in real-time

Not your average project management tool!
aiRH and its modules give the transparency and clarity to effectively decentralize decision making across autonomous teams.

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network app on a mac


contributions completed so far by these fine folks

mark klein

ceo, t-mobile

I love aiRH! Out of the box, ready to go!”

gary hamel

london business school

netwoRHk is the Tesla of management.

prof. gilbert probst

world economic forum

netwoRHk centralizes the ‘why’ & distributes the ‘what’ better than anything

All relevant information about your organization at a glance.


Get a full overview
of the organization
via 3 perspectives:
Me, Crew and the Company!

Zoom in and out of the contribution graph to understand what work is being done by whom and for which customers. Real-time visualizations keep track of  contribution health statuses and if  teams are doing well. Is a colleague overworked? Are there problems in a contribution? aiRH’s collaboration module will show you everything you need to know to keep your team adaptable and resilient.

It’s called the network organization...
and airh has
digitalized it.

aiRH’s features give a  god’s  view of your enterprise, enabling and scaling competent decision-making across all bodies of the organization. Visit our page on network organizations to learn more about networked collaboration.


Value contributions are defined by those closest to the problem or information. Peers commit to the intended impact and apply their skills in the way that best works for them and their crew.

company priorities

Align on the WHAT, to decentralize the HOW. Establish maximum clarity on the organization’s priorities to address current risk factors or areas of potential. All contributions must be linked to one of the company’s priorities.

Career development

Contributors select their applied skills (skallz)  to best define the impact of their role or the area they wish to further develop in. Peer validation of applied skills enables tracking of skill development in real-time.

SKill-based Staffing

Crew members are invited to contribute with a specified skall (applied skill). Open seats can be created for needed skallz in contributions and signed up for via aiRH’s marketplace.

Health checks

Automated health-checks force users to update the status of their contributions, so any risks are addressed collaboratively and in real-time.

Daily intent

Simple yet effective features to enable agile work methods like daily stand-ups. Never wonder what anyone is up to again - have crew members proactively work out loud!

Workload and Team capacity

Transparent visualizations of crew members’ workload enables sustainable staffing decisions and support for overworked colleagues.

Peer to peer feedback Module

Foster a united work environment between colleagues by distributing the power and responsibility of peer validation with real-time positive feedback. Visualize relationships between contributors and teams with the one of a kind Starmap!
*Find out more about the power of positive peer feedback in this case-study!

connect everyone to purpose.

Define the impact, and let your people work their magic.

A contribution represents the value that we create with our work. From high level projects to ordinary operations, everything has a value that we must understand and capture.

Aimee saying she made a comic
netwoRHk app on an iPhoneXnetwoRHk app on an iPhoneXnetwoRHk app on an iPhoneX

Unleash the Power of Collective Intelligence with peer-commitments.

The best part?
You are not alone!

AI Coaching to ensure maximum clarity and effective collaboration.

struggling with what to say?

AIMEE is here to help!

Peer Feedback Module: the AI coaching component trains users to improve their feedback skills over time.

AImee supports users when opening new contributions by ensuring the Definition of Done provides the level of clarity that autonomous crews need in order to work effectively.

AImee can help you increase your feedback competency by 25% within the first 6 weeks of using aiRH!

Try aimee
netwoRHk app on an iPhoneXnetwoRHk app on an iPhoneX

Collaboration Analytics

Decision making is easier when the reasoning is in your face!

Did more contributions fail after your team switched to remote work?

Are company priorities currently addressed in a balanced way?

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AImee pointing

airh is simple, social,
and helps you work smARTER.

Data driven decision making

Graphic visualizations and dashboards show you what you need to know immediately as things appear.


Empathetic AI coaching that progressively teaches you how to share world-class feedback and how to master the clarifying phase of customer-oriented contributions.

Designed for a modern way of working

aiRH replaces control with transparency and clarity. Let your people go surfing, skiing or have an ice-cream with their daughter. aiRH ensures the contribution comes in. No matter when or from where.


My company is not a network organization. Can we still use aiRH as a performance management tool?

Every company can profit from well-structured and monitored projects. aiRH will also provide you with a better flow of clarity and information, regardless of formal reporting lines.

Can modules be sold separately?

aiRH provides all the necessary features to support the network organization operating system. Depending on where your company stands on the journey toward decentralization, modules and features can be switched on or off to support a sustainable transition. For a well-rounded overview of the organization, using all modules is recommended.

Will Aimee become an evil super intelligent entity and Erase Humanity?

AImee is here to help you communicate clearly so that you can benefit from improved collaboration with your peers. She is designed to make work easier between colleagues, and hopefully make you laugh along the way! Rest assured, There is no ulterior motive to her algorithmic powers.